The Game Rules

Summary: The goal is to ensure that Play-To-Earn is strong and stable. At the same time, reward repeat users over one-off gameplays.


To play the PTE version of the game, any gamer is required to have a minimum of two components:

  1. Access Pass - Either they have a multi-play access pass, or get a single-play access pass with tokens.

  2. Heroes - The gamer should either have a Hero NFT derivative with life remaining, or they get to choose to rent a Hero (Single-play Hero NFT Derivative) for free. In the case of renting, 30% of their earnings will be given to the NFT owner.


Every time a user repeats a level or returns back to kill the enemies (after getting killed in between the level), the reward from that event (kills, level, or mission) is halved. Similarly, the resources available to be picked up are also halved, even if the last time, they did not collect any or all the resources.

This incentivizes the gamer to progress in the gameplay, and not just stay at the same level. Because gamers can not collect revenue/resources easily, they have to spend some of the revenue to upgrade and get further in the game.

70:30 rule

70% of the potential revenue will be in NFTs, Resources, or Upgrades. Tokens earned will be about 30% of the rewards at that level. This is applicable for each type of hero, be it a collector, or a fighter.

70:30 is the minimum. As the levels increase this ratio might increase towards the NFTs, to sustain the economy going forward.

Of the 70%, it is distributed between resources and upgrades. Resources can be sold immediately for value. While upgrades can either be sold immediately, or invested to upgrade which gives future returns, and increased value.

Rules for Heroes

BTDG Heroes are like what heroes are in the real world. They are not machines that can keep going to missions, or challenges all the time. They need time to rest and recuperate. Also, they need training and gym to keep their fitness, as well as improve their traits.

Every hero needs one hour of gameplay, 1 hour of training, and 1 hour of rest/upkeep in a day. And heroes can spend only as much time in gameplay, as spent in training & rest.

If a gamer is not maintaining their Heroes, they could lose all the upgrades and skills which they have got and get down to base level. That upgrades are burnt and lost forever.

Rules for Land Parcels

Land Parcels need resources to keep their activity going. They also need maintenance along with upgrades.

Land Parcels have the service capacity, only if they have resources and supplies available. They consume a certain amount of resources on a daily basis. These resources are needed to be acquired from the Heroes (marketplace). Any land parcels without adequate resources will not be shown in the marketplace for the services/job they are offering.

Increased Rewards

As the levels increase in the gameplay, the reward also increases. The multiplier is variable and differs from level to level. The rewards might increase in NFTs vs actual tokens.

This is designed this way to create a demand for tokens which is beneficial for everyone in the long run.

Last updated